To start page numbering after title page: Then, with the Design Tools displayed, click "Insert Alignment Tab" and select the Alignment option "Right." Use Quick Parts tool to create page numbers (will automatically start at “2”).
Enter SHORT TITLE at left. While the Header area is active, mover your cursor to the end of your title. Click in header area above line if line is not visible, double-click in space at top of page to activate header space. Scroll down to the second page to repeat process for the rest of your paper. To create Flush Left running head and page numbers the following pages: In Field Properties: Format, choose the page number style and click OK. In the Field pop-up menu, scroll down to Page and click on that.
Click on the Quick Parts tool and click on Field in the menu.
Then, with the Design Tools displayed, click the "Insert Alignment Tab" and select the Alignment option "Right." Click OK.
In the Header space, type your first page style header "Running Head: SHORT TITLE OF PAPER". Check the box labeled "Different First Page.". Choose the "Blank" style from the drop-down menu. Click on the "Insert" tab in the ribbon at the top of the Word program, then choose the Header tool. On your title page, the Header is in the form "Running Head: SHORT TITLE OF PAPER". To create Flush Left first page running head and page number: Use Microsoft Word's automatic Header and Page Number functions rather than inserting them into the text of your paper manually.