
Word different first page header word 2016
Word different first page header word 2016

word different first page header word 2016

To start page numbering after title page: Then, with the Design Tools displayed, click "Insert Alignment Tab" and select the Alignment option "Right." Use Quick Parts tool to create page numbers (will automatically start at “2”).

  • Enter SHORT TITLE at left. While the Header area is active, mover your cursor to the end of your title.
  • Click in header area above line if line is not visible, double-click in space at top of page to activate header space.
  • Scroll down to the second page to repeat process for the rest of your paper.
  • To create Flush Left running head and page numbers the following pages:
  • In Field Properties: Format, choose the page number style and click OK.
  • In the Field pop-up menu, scroll down to Page and click on that.
  • word different first page header word 2016

  • Click on the Quick Parts tool and click on Field in the menu.
  • word different first page header word 2016

    Then, with the Design Tools displayed, click the "Insert Alignment Tab" and select the Alignment option "Right." Click OK.​

  • In the Header space, type your first page style header "Running Head: SHORT TITLE OF PAPER".
  • Check the box labeled "Different First Page.".
  • Choose the "Blank" style from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on the "Insert" tab in the ribbon at the top of the Word program, then choose the Header tool.
  • On your title page, the Header is in the form "Running Head: SHORT TITLE OF PAPER".
  • To create Flush Left first page running head and page number: Use Microsoft Word's automatic Header and Page Number functions rather than inserting them into the text of your paper manually.

    Word different first page header word 2016